Sunday, May 30, 2010

Top Windsurfing Podcasts and Vidcasts from iTunes

Action windsurfing picture.If you're anything like us you're always looking for good music to load on your iPod or iPhone to chill out to while on the ride to your favorite windsurfing spot.  But have you have ever thought about filling up your portable video player with windsurf inspired podcasts and vidcasts?  For those of you not in the know, podcasts are free internet radio shows or video shows that cover just about any hobby imaginable and are usually hosted by folks just like you that vary in their expertise.  So whether you're looking to fill your iPod, Zune, Sony, iPhone, or iPad we're here to tell which are the top windsurfing podcasts and vidcasts are worth downloading to whatever your mp3 or portable video player of choice is.  Here's our Top 4 list of podcasts and vidcasts in no particular order.

Top 5 Windsurfing Podcasts and Vidcasts

1. - This is a vidcast that features fantastic windsurfing videos taken by non other than one of the industry's leading board makers, Naish.  While not updated on a regular basis you can't go wrong with the amazing variety of windsurf inspired videos that can be found on their iTunes feed.  Here's a direct link to download their vidcasts.

2. Boardseeker Windsurfing Magazine - The online windsurfing magazine started this podcast to highlight their best videos from the top events from across the country.  Their vidcast also highlights the top equipment for profressional, veteran, or amateur boarders.  Here's a link to download their vidcast via iTunes.

3.  NeilPryde Podcast - NeilPryde is well respected within the windsurfing industry for their high performance racing sails, rigging, and other windsurf equipment.  They have over 20 years experience within the business and use their knowledge to create their high quality video podcast.  Here's a direct link to download their vidcasts via iTunes.

4. WJ TV - Windsurfing Channel - This is another set of video podcasts that focuses on windsurfing and is run by  Their set of videos focus specifically on footage taken from the best windsurfing events from around the country.  Here's a direct link to download their vidcast via iTunes.

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