Thursday, December 24, 2009

Article on Multi-faceted Windsurfer/Skiier/Entrepreneur

Fernan DeLeonYou gotta love a heartwarming story especially when it highlights the history and career of one of skiings's olympic contenders that also happens to be a pretty good waterman with a love of windsurfing.  Fernan DeLeon is a man that has tried and almost mastered many extreme sports that many people find it difficult to try let alone practice on a regular basis.

Fernan began with just skiing but quickly took to windsurfing with just as much fervour as he has had for ever challenge he has faced in his life.  While not a fully expert windsurfer, Fernan does make an effort to spread his love of extreme sports, helping others, and overcoming just about anything he's faced with to anyone he comes across.  For a full account of his history as an aspiring entrepreneur, Olympic skier, and all around good guy please check out the full article here.

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