Friday, March 10, 2006

Warm Air and Warm Winds

Reports coming in today from VA and NC that the 2006 is well under way....air temps close to 80 in some spots of NC, and 20knots of wind.

Wonder if people in Hatteras are sailing? This is a satelite shot of the Outer Banks directly over head of the Canadian hole. Looks like there are a few sailors out!

Wonder why they call it Canadian Hole? The Canadian bit is that each spring hordes of sailors from Ontario and PQ flock to the warmer temps....but also look at the picture. When sand is needed for the beaches on the ocean side (to help build them back up after a storm), they will dredge sand out of the sound, and at one point did so directly in front of the launch site (the dark water). You go from about 3 feet of water to deep, and then back to 3 feet of water after about 200 years.

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