What was your best session of the year? Send you story and pictures of it to us at sales@windsurfing-direct.com and we will be sure to post it. To get the ball rolling, here is Glenn's session of the year:
"For Dinahs birthday we took our daughter to Sandbanks to camp (camping this year, with a 4 month old, meant staying in a beautiful little inn) and enjoy the beach. Sunday afternoon about 1:00 the wind came up to perfect 5.4 Gaastra Poison wind - and with the ladies napping on the beach I hit the water for a power session of about 90 mins of perfect sandbanks. 85 degress, port and starboard ramps everywhere and sweet frontside riding was a perfect session capped off with a particularly dry forward in front of the holiday weekend beach crowd"
Some shots from the past year: